Sunday, February 23, 2014

Twins at twelve weeks

So, we announced to the world we are having twins and we couldn't be more excited and feeling blessed! Sorry for you all not getting answers sooner, but with our concerns on baby B and some spotting issues I was having early on, we decided it was best to get to the "safer zone" before we said anything. 
    We were given ultrasounds at 6 weeks, where we found we were having two, then due to my spotting at 7 weeks....and it is crazy the difference in growth in just that week! Then again at 8 weeks. Baby B was looking good along with A and both had strong heartbeats and normal size yolk sacs at that point! We felt comforted! We were, at that point, released from our fertility center to our regular OBGYN. I felt like I deserved a diploma for graduating or something! 
     We had our appointment with my normal OBGYN, Dr. Rossell, right at 12 weeks. It was so hard going 4 weeks without an ultrasound! You kinda get spoiled with those things and getting to see the babies! Due to it being twins, I will get an ultrasound for fetal heart tones at each visit! Which means I get to see them once a month! Both babies looked great at this visit and both had great heart rates! One of them, and I can't remember which, was even already stubborn in trying to let us get his side profile.....I say his just because that's what I think it is not because we know. 
      So, everything is looking good and we were excited to get the clear from her that it would be okay to announce we were having twins! Now just to wait 8 more weeks to find out what we are having! I begged for sooner but it didn't work....don't know if she doesn't understand how big of a planner I am and so type A! But I have been learning patience through this and will continue!
     Thank you, again, for all of your prayers for us and the continued prayers! We feel them and know that is how we are where we are today. With God's grace and goodness! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I promised myself from the beginning I was going to be honest about this process, not make it look fluffy and simple, but let my true emotions show and my true fears. Today, I am having a frustration with injections.
    Now don't get me wrong, I am so excited about being pregnant and I know that these are necessary to help keep me pregnant until my body's natural hormones fully take over. BUT, THEY HURT SO BADLY! At times. Alan has become a pro over the past 6 weeks giving them and it doesn't even hurt anymore when he jabs me with the needle….he learned that the quicker he goes the better and it doesn't hurt me. It's just the aftermath of the injections that hurt.
      Initially, we are taught to inject the progesterone and the estrogen into either the upper buttocks or the lateral thigh. They suggest the upper buttocks, so that's where I began. It hurt to sit a few days because of how sore your muscles get (imagine getting a flu or tetanus shot every day and every other day in the same place). It eventually got a little better, but then it seemed the injections decided to flare up the nerves in my buttock/low back region and that was PAINFUL. So, at that time we changed the location to my lateral thighs. Didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to, so that was pleasantly nice. But, now I feel like I have been performing squats or lunges for hours at the gym. It isn't too bad, but it still isn't the most pleasant feeling. Also, where the injections are has become numb. Like can't feel myself scratch my leg numb. It's just weird feeling more than anything. don't know if this is normal or not and just hoping feeling comes back after the injections stop!
     I'm not trying to complain, because like I said, I am ecstatic to be pregnant and that this worked and know this is the process! But, I definitely don't look forward to my nightly injections and am kinda counting the days until 11-12 weeks hits so I can be finished with them. And, I hope I never have an illness in life where I have to take injection therapy for the remainder of my days and respect those people who have to do that.
     So, that is my tangent today. I feel better now, ha. And now awaiting the next injection!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Oh the emotions going through my mind over the past 24 hours! We told Alan's kids about our pregnancy last night and that brought on nerves galore! Then, this morning was our ultrasound. The test we have been waiting on to let us know if we have a true pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.
      We have had a peace over this and have been praying nightly through our book. This pregnancy is definitely being prayed over! God is the ultimate Creator and Sustainer and we have faith that He will provide us what we need no matter the results of the ultrasound.
       The only true anxiety I had over the ultrasound is the weather. Ice and snow (at 8 degree high today) was our concern on even being able to make it to the doctor's office. Thankfully, the roads were mostly clear. So we made it there with time to spare!
        Alan and I signed in and waited our turn. We got into the ultrasound room and my nerves finally hit me. We were about to find out the truth about our babies. The ultrasound tech came in, told us she was going to look first then she would talk to us and lead us on what she sees, if anything. So, Alan sat behind me and I lay just praying.
       After about 2 minutes, she said, well here you go. "There are TWO!" My emotions overwhelmed me and the tears came. I was so excited and Alan the same. We then got to see the heartbeats, which is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life! Tears came and laughs and oh my gosh's and thank you God's. There is only one concern on baby B. Being that I am exactly 6 weeks and 1 and 2 days, Baby B is 6 weeks plus 1 and has a borderline large yolk sac still, which presents with a higher risk of a miscarriage of that baby. We are just praying over this and that he/she will survive.
      We are beyond excited, though trying to be protectively excited. We have a repeat ultrasound in 2 weeks to recheck those babies and then I will be able to follow up with my regular OB/GYN. Since I am carrying twins, I have to continue my injections for 5-6 more weeks. Which, though it is a painful process, I am 100% okay with doing for these babes!
      It hasn't truly hit me, but then there are moments that it does and I am just over the moon. I'm going to be a mommy! Something I didn't think would really happen to me. God is too good and to gracious!
       We are continuing to pray and will keep you posted. Thank you for the prayers and I just have to say it one more time: I AM PREGNANT AND HAVING TWINS!!!!!!

The Day of Reckoning

Monday Morning -

5:00 AM - woke up with is the day. It hit me around 5 AM and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I prayed. It didn't help that I was a little stressed over work and a miscommunication so I had to do some surgery stuff before I even got to my blood draw.

6:00 AM - Got up and ready, with my nerves still running crazy, but somewhat calmed from an hour previous.

By 6:30 AM I had left the house and headed to the hospital, did some work and left on my way to my blood draw.

8:00 AM - Sat in the waiting room for 15 minutes so far....I was texting Alan like crazy as my nerves, again got working. 20 minutes later, I was called back. Said my prayers. And, my blood was drawn.

They ask you how you want to be notified of your results - voicemail box or call your phone. Last time we chose the voicemail box, this time I chose my phone. So, I left with prayers over that blood work.

8:30 AM - made it to the OR and into surgery. Thankful for a busy schedule for the day, we got working. I started cramping almost immediately and got kind of concerned. Did some breathing, kept chugging along, and thankfully it was only about a two and a half hour case. After the case went up to the office to see a patient and then it was time for lunch.

Noon - No sooner than did I get in my boss's car, did my cell phone ring and it was the fertility clinic. Dang it, I couldn't answer. So, a voicemail was left. I text Alan immediately telling him I had a voicemail. He text me back he was in his car and heading my way.....except he was heading to the hospital and I was heading to lunch. So, we decided to meet up after lunch and listen to the voicemail.

1:00 PM - As my boss and I were waiting on our car, my phone rang again....the fertility center again.....odd I thought, I had a voicemail already. So, I excused myself and answered.

- "Yes?"
- "Hey, It's Ellen. Did you get my message?"
- "No, ma'am, I have been at lunch and haven't been able to check it yet."
- "Well, I was wondering why I hadn't heard back from you yet because I figured you would call me immediately."
- "What's going on?"
- "Well, I have some great news! Your levels came back today and I am so happy to tell you that you are PREGNANT!!!!"
- "You have to be kidding me? Seriously???"
- "Yes ma'am! Your levels are 341 for your HCG and I would've been happy with 75."
And that was the extent of the conversation.

Needless to say, I was speechless for a bit. Couldn't breathe. And thanking my Savior and praising him the whole way back to the office. I had planned to not tell Alan I knew and to surprise him at home that night with a creative way to let him know. I was rushing to a meeting when I got back to work and text him that I was about to start when he let me know he was downstairs. So, I rushed downstairs. He looked more nervous then me!
     I took him aside and told him they had called me back, that I hadn't listened to the message but they gave me some news.....He was going to be a Daddy again. We both started crying and hugging! The best moment of our lives!

We are so excited to announce this pregnancy. I have delayed to post this portion so that we could be out of the "danger zone". Since Monday, I have had another HCG level and it is increasing, which is a good sign! We have another HCG level Monday, then an ultrasound in 2 weeks. So excited and glad that this cramping means a little being is growing inside of me!
     So far, just cramping and being tired are my only symptoms....though the smell of seafood the other day made me nauseated. No complaining here, though! The injections continue....Progesterone every night and Estrogen every Tuesday and Saturdays until I am 8-12 weeks pregnant. It is worth it to hear those words.....YOU ARE PREGNANT!
     Thank you all for your prayers over this process! It has meant so much and continues to mean so much. Without prayer, we would not be where we are today. Without our faith, we would not be able to even go through this process. Thank you God for your grace and mercy over us in this process!