I'm going to be quite honest about today, so details and complaints insue for those of you who don't want to read further. I have committed myself to being quite honest and open with exactly what we are going through because I don't believe enough people do this and a lot of people don't know what to expect when they are going through this. That being said....we begin.
The morning began earlier than my alarm clock due to cramping. The "trigger" injection is HCG (the pregnancy hormone) which makes you ovulate 36 hours after the injection (as I said in my previous post). This meaning your muscles in your ovaries start cramping once the time gets close. Yesterday was actually my first non-cramping, non-bloated feeling in over a week, which was exciting, but then it returned full force this morning. So, we got up and headed our way into the surgery center at the fertility clinic. The fertility clinic we use has the ultimate best staff and doctors. They do nothing but make you feel calm and answer any and all questions. We parked, Alan prayed, and we entered into the center. I had an overwhelming peace this whole morning and never once got nervous. God's presence was definitely surrounding us.
Once we got checked in, they had me gown up, sign consents, and get my IV. Alan and I had such a great mood around us, the nurses told us we were having way too much fun and way too relaxed for this. We knew it was a total God thing. The doctor who performed the procedure wasn't my usual doctor, but he was so nice and I felt comfortable with him, as well. So, kissed Alan good-bye and they gave me the good drugs. For egg retrieval, you are given anesthesia which is pretty much conscious sedation (no tube down your throat). I remember them wheeling me back and telling me to change tables, after scooting over, I have no recollection of anything else. I barely remember the doctor talking to me afterward and once I woke up, I freaked out thinking Alan and I had overslept and missed the whole thing!
Woke up feeling okay but a little groggy and cramping a lot. They had the medicine handy. The embryologist came in to let us know that they retrieved 25 eggs! Way beyond what we expected! We were told the exact number of mature eggs are unknown, but we should find out tomorrow. As well as, the eggs will be fertilized tomorrow and we will see how many turn into embryos. We are praying the perfect amount!
Once that was completed, we began getting ready to go home. I was feeling fine until that point and once I stood up I got majorly nauseated. They gave me some medicine for the nausea which didn't really help and by the time we went by the pharmacy and returned home, I was sick. The majority of the day was spent trying to become not nauseated and keep the cramps under control. Right now, I am still drugged and feeling slightly less nauseated. The fun of anesthesia. Alan has taken wonderful care of me and I have been unable to get up except going to the bathroom.....which is a hard feat of itself for those who know me!
So the next step is waiting....there is a lot of that in this process! We most likely get to transfer in 5 days and it is then waiting game again! Will keep you posted. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers!
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