Friday, September 13, 2013

Like a Puppet with Strings

Life in IVF is like being a puppet with strings. You aren't yourself, you aren't in control of yourself. Your natural hormone cycle isn't in control, your natural response isn't there. Everything is controlled by doctors looking at every aspect of you and deciding what and when things need to be done. You are either ingesting or injecting different hormones or hormone suppressors into your body and those bring on all kinds of fun side effects. All this to become crazy!
     The biggest thing you need when you start IVF is a very UNDERSTANDING and COMPASSIONATE partner. Along with that, surround yourself with a close knit group to pray for you and people who understand if you snap their head off because a minor thing in life went wrong that it isn't personal and please don't react. Thankfully, for the most part, I have had these things. I couldn't ask for a better husband who has consoled me on countless occasions as I lay crying because of dust, busyness, someone hurting my uber sensitive feelings, scheduling of tests being array, and the list goes on.....if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have made it through (not that we are through yet). My boss says I have had a lot less of a filter and a lot more emotion throughout this, he has never seen of me....I told him welcome to the real me, haha. I think even he is scared of me on most days! (which I'm not proud of....)
      So, saying all of this to say....if you know someone who is going through this, please be patient with them. Love them a little more. Bite your tongue a little harder. And make them feel as if all is okay in the world because if not, tears that may cause a torrential flood of Noah's day may be ahead of you!
    Thank you to all of the people who have put up with me over the past few months because I couldn't be here without you.

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