Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pull the trigger

So, after a frustrating day of being pushed back, I had a reality check and accepted God's timing. Yesterday, I got to go back for another ultrasound and bloodwork. The results sounded good on my ultrasound while I was there, but had to await my bloodwork. Was quite anxious for my 3:30 voicemail. So, it came and stated we were ready for our "trigger" injection! I was so excited and called Alan immediately (we were both at work still) and we celebrated over the phone.
     Last night was the night for the injection, which was different than previous injections. It included two syringes of medication, one on each side of my abdomen. We were given a specific time to give the injections because it is exactly 36 hours later I ovulate, which means they have to retrieve the eggs at 35 hours. The injections burned some, but weren't too bad. I had been cramping all day and it seemed to ease that down some. So, we are triggered and on our way to egg retrieval!
      This morning, I had to return to the doctor's for more bloodwork and my plan. Got the instructions for injections today!! So, tomorrow is the one day I get to get knocked out with anesthesia for the retrieval. They have given me the spill that they are a little more concerned about hyperstimulation ovarian syndrome with me because of my diagnosis and some of my blood levels, so we are praying that doesn't happen because it would prohibit us from proceeding further with the embryo transfer and I could get really sick. We ask for prayers regarding that.
   We are excited about this next week but very prayerful too. Only God can get us through this and we know He is carrying us through this which makes it easier. He continues to give us a peace.
    My hormones haven't been so bad this week either.....Alan is hoping this continues through if I get pregnant! We pray for that too! Until the next time....thank you for your continued prayers!

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