Monday, July 7, 2014

There Isn't a Dull Moment

      Last Thursday, we had an ultrasound for what is called a BPP. It pretty much looks at the amniotic fluid levels, the umbilical cord blood flow, their movement, their heart rates, their "breathing" (practicing breathing since they don't actually breathe), and a few other things. Thankfully, both of them scored an 8 out of 8! We then had a follow up appointment with my OB. Alan had to work, so his dad and Louise took me to my appointments, which I was really excited they were able to see the ultrasounds of the babies! It also meant I went into my OB appointment by myself. She and I had a good discussion on the cholestasis and what this meant going forward, as well as delivery.

      Thankfully, my medicine seems to be helping my symptoms of cholestasis, my itching has not been nearly as bad as it once was. Also, I had gained 10 pounds in 10 days, which was crazy to me and I had started swelling. Due to the cholestasis, however, we discussed an earlier delivery. Because of the risk of fetal death/stillborn in later gestation, she says we will deliver prior to 37 weeks, if I have not gone into labor by that point naturally. Of course this risk puts Alan and myself at heightened alert on the movement of the babies. We are journaling their movement. Like I said, we decided their method of delivery, as well, c-section vs. natural delivery. I really appreciate my OB and her honesty with risks and benefits in everything she does. So, I felt that it was a really good visit. A lot of questions were answered. But, after the visit I was a mess and definitely shed tears and was stressing about them being okay. Pregnancy just seems so much harder then what everyone seemed to make it seem before I became pregnant.

       Which leads to today, our next of our two a week appointments. We had a NST this morning, which is where they monitor the babies' heartbeats and my contractions. They want the babies to have an "active" strip which means that their heartbeat accelerates a certain amount in a certain time period. Well, my babies decided not to be "active" today and I was having some pretty good contractions. So, the lady who administered the test let me OB know and we were immediately set up for an ultrasound for a BPP and to be examined by my OB. Also, I haven't been feeling the greatest the past few days with nausea and my ribs/stomach killing me (which I figured was Baby B being his stubborn self). Also, I had gained 3 more pounds since Thursday. She checked me, thankfully I have not dilated any further. Baby A is deep in my wonderful pelvis and Baby B is continuing to stay breech with his head in my ribs/liver. She pressed on my stomach and over my liver which wasn't comfortable and also stated I had swollen more. So, she is checking more labs to check for HELLP syndrome.

       We then had our ultrasound/BPP. The babies were a little sleepy, but once they were "zapped" a few times, I ate some peanut butter crackers, and FINALLY I had to drink a Coke, Baby A practiced his breathing (just don't tell Alan it was a coke that made his baby behave!). They ended up passing the test right at an hour (which is all that time they have to complete their activities). So, we were sent home on stricter bed rest and waiting on lab results. Needless to say, it has been a highly emotional day, really few days. We are just praying they continue to grow (they are now at 5 lbs and 4 and a half pounds) and develop. All of these uncertainties are just making me fall into God's arms more. I know He has it all in his control, but it is hard to handle at times.

    Sorry for the long post, but thank you for your prayers. We will keep you posted!

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