Saturday, June 28, 2014

Itching and Scratching and Itching and Scratching

    Well, two weeks ago I began having intense itching of my soles of my feet and palms of my hands, as well as general itching all over. After it disrupted me from sleep for a few nights and having an upcoming appointment, I decided to mention it to my doctor (especially after Mom and Alan had done their research). I had tried benadryl and hydrocortisone cream which hadn't helped, at all. The only thing that seemed to help was cold packs on the bottom of my feet. Weird,  I know.
     So, like I said, I brought it up to my OB and she ordered some labs to be performed on my liver. So, we have been waiting on the results. My itching hasn't been as bad, but still am itching. Today, I got a call from my doctor herself, which is enough to freak any patient out! And she let me know that my bile acids and liver functions were elevated. This is called obstetrical cholestasis. This means that my bile from my liver/gallbladder is slow or not releasing. This builds up the levels in my blood which causes itching mostly but if it is severe enough you can have jaundice among other symptoms, but most likely just itching. It also can effect the babies. If it is not controlled and gets high enough, it can lead to fetal distress, preterm labor, or babies being stillborn or fetal death. She is now starting me on a medication to help decrease the levels of bile acids. Hopefully that will help not only with the itching, but with the possible complications, as well.
      Also, next week I start my "two a weeks" which means I go to the doctor on Mondays and Thursdays for ultrasounds (because I have temperamental babies that don't like to stay on the fetal monitors) and now blood work and a check up. I was going to have to begin these anyway because of the gestational diabetes, but now I have to add in the blood work to keep watch over my liver. As well as, I have to make sure to be conscious to the movement of the babies on a daily basis.

     For someone who had this pregnancy "under control" and was not going to take medications to save her life during pregnancy, it has definitely become a 180 of what I expected! I know all is in God's hands and we are just going to lie here and do what we are told. We are just praying for these little boys' safety and making it into this world plump and perfect! So, this is our latest update and we will keep trekking! Thank you, again, for the prayers!

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