Sunday, February 23, 2014

Twins at twelve weeks

So, we announced to the world we are having twins and we couldn't be more excited and feeling blessed! Sorry for you all not getting answers sooner, but with our concerns on baby B and some spotting issues I was having early on, we decided it was best to get to the "safer zone" before we said anything. 
    We were given ultrasounds at 6 weeks, where we found we were having two, then due to my spotting at 7 weeks....and it is crazy the difference in growth in just that week! Then again at 8 weeks. Baby B was looking good along with A and both had strong heartbeats and normal size yolk sacs at that point! We felt comforted! We were, at that point, released from our fertility center to our regular OBGYN. I felt like I deserved a diploma for graduating or something! 
     We had our appointment with my normal OBGYN, Dr. Rossell, right at 12 weeks. It was so hard going 4 weeks without an ultrasound! You kinda get spoiled with those things and getting to see the babies! Due to it being twins, I will get an ultrasound for fetal heart tones at each visit! Which means I get to see them once a month! Both babies looked great at this visit and both had great heart rates! One of them, and I can't remember which, was even already stubborn in trying to let us get his side profile.....I say his just because that's what I think it is not because we know. 
      So, everything is looking good and we were excited to get the clear from her that it would be okay to announce we were having twins! Now just to wait 8 more weeks to find out what we are having! I begged for sooner but it didn't work....don't know if she doesn't understand how big of a planner I am and so type A! But I have been learning patience through this and will continue!
     Thank you, again, for all of your prayers for us and the continued prayers! We feel them and know that is how we are where we are today. With God's grace and goodness! 

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