Saturday, February 15, 2014


Oh the emotions going through my mind over the past 24 hours! We told Alan's kids about our pregnancy last night and that brought on nerves galore! Then, this morning was our ultrasound. The test we have been waiting on to let us know if we have a true pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.
      We have had a peace over this and have been praying nightly through our book. This pregnancy is definitely being prayed over! God is the ultimate Creator and Sustainer and we have faith that He will provide us what we need no matter the results of the ultrasound.
       The only true anxiety I had over the ultrasound is the weather. Ice and snow (at 8 degree high today) was our concern on even being able to make it to the doctor's office. Thankfully, the roads were mostly clear. So we made it there with time to spare!
        Alan and I signed in and waited our turn. We got into the ultrasound room and my nerves finally hit me. We were about to find out the truth about our babies. The ultrasound tech came in, told us she was going to look first then she would talk to us and lead us on what she sees, if anything. So, Alan sat behind me and I lay just praying.
       After about 2 minutes, she said, well here you go. "There are TWO!" My emotions overwhelmed me and the tears came. I was so excited and Alan the same. We then got to see the heartbeats, which is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life! Tears came and laughs and oh my gosh's and thank you God's. There is only one concern on baby B. Being that I am exactly 6 weeks and 1 and 2 days, Baby B is 6 weeks plus 1 and has a borderline large yolk sac still, which presents with a higher risk of a miscarriage of that baby. We are just praying over this and that he/she will survive.
      We are beyond excited, though trying to be protectively excited. We have a repeat ultrasound in 2 weeks to recheck those babies and then I will be able to follow up with my regular OB/GYN. Since I am carrying twins, I have to continue my injections for 5-6 more weeks. Which, though it is a painful process, I am 100% okay with doing for these babes!
      It hasn't truly hit me, but then there are moments that it does and I am just over the moon. I'm going to be a mommy! Something I didn't think would really happen to me. God is too good and to gracious!
       We are continuing to pray and will keep you posted. Thank you for the prayers and I just have to say it one more time: I AM PREGNANT AND HAVING TWINS!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited and amazed for you!! Mommy hood is a wonderful and terrifying thing, but you are so ready and will be a great mom to those two tid bits. Prayers for a good ultrasound and healthy baby B.
