Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I promised myself from the beginning I was going to be honest about this process, not make it look fluffy and simple, but let my true emotions show and my true fears. Today, I am having a frustration with injections.
    Now don't get me wrong, I am so excited about being pregnant and I know that these are necessary to help keep me pregnant until my body's natural hormones fully take over. BUT, THEY HURT SO BADLY! At times. Alan has become a pro over the past 6 weeks giving them and it doesn't even hurt anymore when he jabs me with the needle….he learned that the quicker he goes the better and it doesn't hurt me. It's just the aftermath of the injections that hurt.
      Initially, we are taught to inject the progesterone and the estrogen into either the upper buttocks or the lateral thigh. They suggest the upper buttocks, so that's where I began. It hurt to sit a few days because of how sore your muscles get (imagine getting a flu or tetanus shot every day and every other day in the same place). It eventually got a little better, but then it seemed the injections decided to flare up the nerves in my buttock/low back region and that was PAINFUL. So, at that time we changed the location to my lateral thighs. Didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to, so that was pleasantly nice. But, now I feel like I have been performing squats or lunges for hours at the gym. It isn't too bad, but it still isn't the most pleasant feeling. Also, where the injections are has become numb. Like can't feel myself scratch my leg numb. It's just weird feeling more than anything. don't know if this is normal or not and just hoping feeling comes back after the injections stop!
     I'm not trying to complain, because like I said, I am ecstatic to be pregnant and that this worked and know this is the process! But, I definitely don't look forward to my nightly injections and am kinda counting the days until 11-12 weeks hits so I can be finished with them. And, I hope I never have an illness in life where I have to take injection therapy for the remainder of my days and respect those people who have to do that.
     So, that is my tangent today. I feel better now, ha. And now awaiting the next injection!

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