So, the first big day came for me to go to the doctor and make sure my medicines were working. It was my "big day" of a complete physical, blood work, and ultrasounds. On top of that, they did a "trial embryo" transfer to see exactly how they needed to go about the real thing. I can say, I was nervous. And EMOTIONAL. I didn't know whether it was just me or my wonderful Lupron injections that had me crying.....but for the past 3 days I had spilt into tears on several occasions about the most minute things.......bawling over the fact my furniture was dusty, for example. But I digress.....there are so many people and different types of situations that sat in those waiting rooms with me and I got to hear some of their stories, and I cried and I prayed. I want every single one of us to come out pregnant.
The poking and prodding wasn't too bad. I got the results of my blood work and ultrasound by the end of the day and it was just as we wanted (and were hoping), I am suppressed! Which is exciting, because it means we are on to the next step, but scary none-the-less because it means we are on to the next step! What is the next step you may ask? Well, of course it would be no more than adding in an injection. Now, as Alan would tell you , I should be excited because I got the needle that I wanted, haha. Oh the small things in this process that we get excited about! Actually, when he had woken up from his procedure, after he found out we had what we needed, his words were....and you have the needle you want! I think he is more excited about my injection device than me!
So, we started Lupron in my abdomen every morning and our FSH injection in my abdomen every night. My poor little abdomen is full of needle marks, but it is worth it. We do this injection for 4 days and I return to the doctor for more blood work and an ultrasound. The FSH is to stimulate my ovaries to make multiple eggs. So, in 5 days I return to see if it is doing its job and they will adjust my doses accordingly. Then 2 days after that I return again for the same thing and 2 days after that. If they are well stimulated, well....that means next week we get to retrieve and implant! It has gone by really fast!
Also, since I began my FSH injection, it means I am no longer allowed to exercise or lift greater than 10 pounds! Woohoo! Also, I have to eat like I am no more sushi or glasses of wine. So, it is just hitting us harder and harder each transition state. It is kinda neat. And besides my labile emotions, everything is going smoothly so far! It is amazing how God has made me so calm through this and truly able to trust Him. He has answered prayer after prayer. I know that without Him, I would not be able to go through this. What an awesome God we serve.
So, I will keep you posted as the transition continues....only a few steps left!
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