Tuesday, August 13, 2013

32 Million!!!

    What a day! Yesterday was Alan's "Big Day!" We learned a HUGE lesson in when Alan has a procedure (and something I should already know NOT to do being in the medical profession) that we need NOT do! Googling the procedure or probably procedures prior to having it done (the night before)  and watching the video is NOT a good idea!! There was all types of anxiety on his part. We made it through, though.....just note taken!
    So our day began bright and early as we made it to the fertility center surgery center. We had the best nurses work him up and try to make him feel relaxed. Then, the urologist came in......he went through what he would do, what might have to happen (scalpel freaked Alan out even more), and that he has no gaurantees for us. To say we felt like we were failing before he even started was an understatement.
    So, they doped him up with all the good drugs....he was knocked out solid. And the waiting game began, my nerves were through the roof and I was praying the whole time while I had a wonderful friend/family member, Misty, there to take my mind off things. We talked and before we knew it the urologist came out to get me. I was so nervous! He looked at me and said "We got an all-star amount!" I don't think that I will ever forget those words! He hugged me and led me back to Alan. He was still knocked out.
     I was so excited and when he first opened his eyes he looked at me and asked how it went. I told him we got an all-star amount, whatever that meant. We both broke down in tears. Prayers were answered. We are continuing on our journey for a biological baby!
     It took about another hour for him to fully wake up and be ready to leave the surgery center, which meant I had to go to work before he got to go home. Misty was the life saver of the day and took him home. He spent the day resting and is back to "normal" today.
     We prayed specifically for more than 10 sperm, because we were told that is how many we needed.......Alan asked the count from the time he woke up until after I left......he was given his count.....32 million......God gives abundantly more than we ask or expect!!
      So, now we continue onto the next step.....my injections are being delivered today and we start them next week. We are proceeding cautiously and so excited and nervous at the same time. We continue to give this to God, but we feel such blessing at this moment we are rejoicing again and again. With God for us, who can be against us? I know who stands before me, beside me and behind me and He will continue throughout this process.

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