Monday, October 27, 2014

Cough and Sneeze Stay Away Please

    It is officially the start of RSV season on November 1st. They have moved it back from the month of October, so we had an extra month to actually be able to get out and enjoy the weather. This disease is a very dangerous one in premies. It is the leading cause of pediatric intensive care stays in the hospital during November until February. It isn't dangerous in adults and most of us either suffer from this at some point during the winter months with just cold symptoms or are carriers. Even though our boys don't look like premies anymore, they are still at a higher risk. Just like they are at a higher risk for any type of infection…and sometimes even I forget that because they are such big babies.
       So, that being said, for all adults and children alike, if you or your child feel like the sniffles are coming on, or a catch in your throat or are beginning to sneeze or cough - stay away from all little babies. Their mommies will thank you. Though we want you to hold and gawk over our babies, we are not going to be happy with you in the aftermath when we are up all night with babies that can't breathe and sleep and may have to rush them to the emergency room. This is, also, why it is SO important to wash your hands frequently and DEFINITELY wash your hands or use sanitizer before touching or holding a baby. And though we all love those little hands and feet of a baby, please refrain from touching them with yours or their faces because it is just an instant way of germs to get into their mouths and increase their risk of being sick.
      One thing I love that the NICU did at Centennial where the boys stayed was give classes for the parents during the week every other week. One of those classes was a RSV class. At the end of the class we were handed out "Stop" signs to put on the carseats that read "Please wash your hands before touching mine." If you have seen us out and about, then you have seen these on their carseats. Thankfully it helps some with people doing just that, but other times it doesn't. So, before you touch any baby, please step back and take a moment to think. Think about how you feel (physically), if you've been around someone sick recently or someone in your home is sick then be extra careful in being around babies, think about if you've washed your hands, and then go ahead, if you are clear in all of those areas, love on the babies.
       All of that being said, we have gotten to experience the past 4 days our first sickness in the Swartwood household. The boys have come down with the dreaded GI bug that has been going around. It is so sad to see these little ones dealing with it, though I have to admit they are taking it like champs! So, since we are back in town and at our house, we are sitting in quarantine and riding it out at home. Trying to fill up on some Pedialite and plenty of rest! It just reminds me that I can't go out and do like we used to do (though we have cut back quite a bit) and even though I want to be social in all events, sometimes we just need to stay home.
     Lessons we can all learn this time of year to help everyone.

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