Wednesday, October 1, 2014

12 Weeks Old

      It's so weird to think that 12 weeks ago today, these two precious little boys were born into this world. It has gone by way too fast! To think we waited to what seemed like forever to tell everyone the news we were pregnant at 12 weeks, their first twelve weeks of life has flown by way too fast. They are amazing little guys.
        Their little personalities continue to come out and shine through. So, for my recollection in years to come, I am going to talk about them :)
        Oh my sweet Zachary Barrett. In utero, he was my laid back child. I hardly felt him move and he let me lie on my left side to sleep without pitching a "fit" like his brother. He was always asleep in ultrasounds and was not easily bothered. This trend continued in the NICU. He was the laid back "lazy" boy. Not much startled him and he could finish a bottle without even opening an eye. He slept all of the time and we hardly heard anything out of him. Bring him home, and he blossomed! He found his voice quickly and became quick to let us know when he is hungry, that he doesn't like to be naked, and he definitely doesn't like to be laid on his back! He is my first child to start "cooing" and on a regular basis. He talks to us every day and about so many different things. He is quite the snuggle bug, too. He loves lying on your chest and I believe would be snuggling up to someone 24/7 if it was allowed. He smiles when seeing his Daddy and loves those cuddles. He is such a sweet baby. That being said, my mom says he is like me because he is sweet but has quite the temper. He is QUICK to let us know he isn't happy and learned quickly how to kick his legs, scream, hold his breath, and arch his back in revolt against whatever he doesn't like. He loves his paci and usually goes to bed really easily (hopefully that will continue). No matter how hard we try though, he does not like lying on his back, so he is a belly baby. He is really good at self-soothing, as well.
         On to my Ayden Jackson. In utero, he was quite temperamental. He was quick to kick and punch when there was pressure on his "side" of the womb. He was continuously kicking his brother in his head and always on the move. We had to chase him around on ultrasounds. He did not like me to lie on my right side (which was his) and made this known nightly! In the NICU, he continued to be temperamental. He was quick to let all the nurses know when he was wet, hungry, or just needing attention. He is one that loves to be awake and doesn't want to miss a second of life - he continues this today. At home, he loves to lie on his back and watch the butterflies and lights of his play mat. He has yet to vocalize when he is trying to talk to us, but he sure knows how to smile and has started to socially smile. He thinks he is hilarious and in the middle of the night one night after feeding, he began chuckling laughing in his sleep. Alan and I loved it. He has developed a best friend in the fan in our living room and barely looks away from it when he is in the vicinity. His Lolli has determined if he talks to it before her, he is in trouble. He has become quite the laid back child. He will let you lie him down to get something done (as long as it isn't when he is hungry). He isn't as good at self-soothing, but is learning to pretty well and he is not as in-love with his paci as his brother. He loves to cuddle, as well, but would much rather look at you then lie on your chest.
       It is just amazing how quickly they grow and develop. We saw a newborn the other day and I noticed how big my boys really are. It is bittersweet! They both are in 0-3 month clothes and quickly growing out of them. They are past double their birth weights and seem to be gaining quickly towards triple. I am trying to slow down the time, but we all know that isn't possible. We are truly blessed by our Savior for these boys. They are such miracles and we are so grateful.
       Twelve weeks….it's amazing how much changes in pregnancy and in the first twelve weeks of life. The miracle of God is seen in each of these scenarios. We are looking forward to the next twelve weeks and praying it doesn't go by too quickly but that our boys continue to stay healthy through it all.

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