Thursday, May 22, 2014

And That's Where the Cookie Crumbles….

We had our next OB appointment last Friday. We were 24 weeks and 6 days at that time and got to have another ultrasound! Our little men are growing wonderfully at 1 lb 14 oz and 1 lb 11 oz (which is just along the lines of what they should weigh if they were a singleton pregnancy)!  All looks well with them and they are both head down at the moment.
     We got to ask a lot of questions this visit and got a lot of answers. First, contractions are normal for pregnancy at this point, especially with twins, when you move around too much. So that brought some ease of mind to both of us. We were given the information of when contractions are too much. We also found out that I'm very limited on my travel from this point forward (so it was a great thing we did our baby moon the week before!!). Looks like my traveling ways are halted for awhile now!
      Then we discussed upcoming appointments and my previous glucose test. We get to go back in 3 weeks with the usual heart ultrasound and then she said, and it isn't going to be a fun appointment. I was confused for a minute and asked if it was because I would have my group B strep test. "No" she replied, you have to do your next glucose test. I immediately went into tears. I then told her the nurse had told me I wouldn't have to do one again this pregnancy. I guess the nurse was wrong, because I barely passed my last test, she told me. I had the choice of repeating the 3 hour test (which I was trying to keep my tears in when she said I had to) or test my glucose at home by pricking my finger 4 times a day. I picked the latter. I can handle a finger prick a whole lot better than that torture again!!
    So, I started checking my glucose at home starting Saturday morning. My fasting blood sugar is supposed to be less than 95 and so far on my fasting numbers, I have read 115, 136, 125, and 115. Needless to say, I am above what I need to be. So, I called her  yesterday and let her know I was elevated (thinking it was best to not wait three weeks until my appointment). I am now officially a "Gestational Diabetic." Congratulations, they said, say good bye to sweets and starches and start a diabetic diet. Woohoo! What is crazy is I haven't really eaten sweets my whole pregnancy and maybe french fries and mashed potatoes have become too staple! Then, I was informed that I have to get in with an endocrinologist as soon as possible, because with twins it is even more dangerous to be diabetic.
      A sense of sadness has overcome me because I wanted to be healthy and everything perfect this whole pregnancy. I didn't want to have to take medicines (which I have had to for iron, indigestion, and now diabetes). I want my babies to be perfect and not have risks. So, I have my appointment with the endocrinologist next week and get to find out whether I'll be on a pill or insulin injections.
     So, please say a prayer for the babies' safety as this pregnancy continues. Pray that my gestational diabetes gets under control quickly and I make it without my cravings! And pray we make it full term!

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