Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Two Years of Bliss and 3 Hours of Torture

So, last week marked Alan's and my 2 year anniversary. To say we are blessed truly by God in our marriage and relationship is an understatement. We had a whirlwind romance (which began from a wonderful friendship) and a very eventful marriage, thus far. We are only where we are today because of the grace of God. He has truly brought us through so much. We know that our faith in Him and His will is what to lean on and not of our own accord, which in my ever controlling personality is hard at times! 
     We celebrated our anniversary fairly simply, as we had a trip upcoming for some relaxation. Pedicures and pizza was our night and it was perfect. 
      That Friday I had my three hour glucose tolerance test. In a twin pregnancy, they require you to take your glucose test earlier than a singleton pregnancy. So, at my 20 week mark I took the one hour test and failed it pretty hardcore. Crazy thing is I have not craved or eaten a lot of sugar this whole pregnancy. Yes, I have had my occasional sweet tea or bowl of ice cream, but it's been rare. I was an emotional basket case when they told me I failed it. All this meant at that point was I had to take the three hour test.
     The three hour test is different then the one hour. The one hour you eat normal, then go drink this awful (though fruit punch flavored wasn't that bad) sugar drink as fast as you can, wait an hour and get your blood drawn. The three hour test is a different story. You first begin with fasting for 12 hours.....now let's remember that there are two babies in this belly that really like to eat, or maybe that's their mom, but either way, 12 hours is a long time in our book! You then go get your blood drawn (stick #1) and head to get your lovely flavored drink...they only had orange flavored this time which makes me gag in real world drinks, but hey, what can you do?! So we chugged it. That first hour is awful....nausea, ready to vomit, indigestion feeling, headache, and just feeling awful. The babies were definitely on a sugar high though! They were going crazy in my belly which was actually pretty funny. At the hour mark you go get your blood drawn (stick #2), then get to wait another hour. The second hour wasn't so bad. Still a little nausea, but I could actually get comfortable. At the end of that hour, it's back to the lab for more bloodwork (stick #3). Then waiting another hour, which means it's been  almost 15 hours since I've eaten and my stomach is growling and babies ain't happy! The last blood draw (stick #4) actually came pretty quickly and we were off. 
      There was actually a Jamba Juice  next to my OB's office which I had been craving all week, so made a pit stop by there and Newk's for some good food. 
      I felt like I was back at the fertility center with all the sticks, but I think it made it easier. My only concern was they took a vial of blood each time and my hemoglobin and hematocrit have dropped to a significant anemic state in the past few weeks, so didn't want it to get worse. 
     So, we waited about 5 days for the results (and I think I ate more sugar then than my whole pregnancy so far!). Thankfully, I passed it and won't have to take another test this pregnancy! No gestational diabetes or risk for the babies! A true blessing. 
       So, for now we are just waiting for our next ultrasound in a week and enjoying these two little guys moving more and more and getting stronger and stronger.

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