So, today was the BIG day! We had our anatomy ultrasound today and got to see our little munchkins! We are having a gender reveal party this weekend, so no genders yet! I was so nervous going in there because for some reason I was worried everything was going to be okay. Guess that is the motherly protection kicking in!
Last week, the babies began kicking hard enough for me to feel them. It was literally the coolest thing I have ever felt! It was multiple times and only on my left side, so I was curious about why I didn't ever feel the right baby kicking. Which, made me a nervous wreck!
Well, on the ultrasound we saw why, Baby A is facing a way as to kick only on the left and Baby B is positioned right at Baby A's head kicking it like crazy…..still some sibling fights going on in there! It was quite funny watching it.
We went through the limbs, the heart (both have four chambers!), the spine (looking good), the umbilical cords (three vessels) and kidneys and brain. All is looking good so far! She turned the monitor off so we couldn't see it when she got to the gender, and we are chomping at the bits to find out what these two little miracles are!
They were doing well in weight, 9 oz and 10 oz. Actually ahead of the game and if they didn't know my exact due date due to the in vitro, my due date would actually be moved up 10 days to August 21st! I like to hear my babies are growing big and ahead of the game!
Baby A is a lot like me according to ultrasound. Likes to be in the picture but very stubborn in getting into the right position for us to see things. It is a very active baby of the two. Didn't stop moving around and I had to change positions three times to get the angles needed for all its parts. Baby B is like its Daddy, camera shy covering its face with its hands and not wanting to show it at all lengths, but very laid back and obeying all other commands looking at all the body parts.
We can't wait to find out what these two little beings are! Their Momma and Daddy can't wait to figure out names and start hardcore preparing the nursery! So, we will let you know this weekend when we find out! Thank you for the continued prayers!
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