Yesterday was my first appointment in this cycle. By this point last cycle, I had already gone to around 3-5 appointments for bloodwork and ultrasounds, so to have yesterday as a first, was very weird! It, also, has made things a lot less stressful! I still don't fully feel like I am even in the midst of a fertility cycle. Besides the bruising of my has gotten a lot worse this time then last and I look like I am wearing a constant black belt across the front of my abdomen, it hasn't been so bad! The actual injections don't hurt too badly. I did finally feel the suppression of my hormones this past Friday, but I haven't been crying uncontrollably like last time, I just have a very short fuse and feel like I am in a constant bad mood.
So, back to my appointment. It was the suppression check which checks to make sure my estrogen is depleted and my uterus and ovaries aren't preparing for ovulation. So, blood work and the wonderful ultrasound it was! Had to get used to that again. Then, had an appointment with my nurse practicioner for a physical. Waited until my 3:00 pm voicemail and was told I am beautifully suppressed! So, that means we are on track so far! I got to decrease my injection that suppresses everything and start estrogen injections tomorrow......I am afraid my mood swings are going to start!
Also, yesterday, I got to book our transfer date and time!!!! If everything goes as planned, we get to transfer December 13 at 11:00 AM. So many prayers are much appreciated up until that time and at that time. I still have another round of blood work and ultrasounds to go to fully determine if we get that date AND we are praying the embryos come out of freezing.
The biggest problem right now, though, is my neck. It has been getting worse, unfortunately. I am trying not to take any medications, even Tylenol or Aleve, just to see if I can handle it. If y'all could please pray for a miracle healing there with it. I have had constant pain into my shoulder from it and pain down my arm and I have not been able to sleep through the night at all this week. So, needless to say, something needs to change so I can even proceed with the transfer. The new PA starts in the OR later this week, so hopefully that will help me get the rest I need from it and enough for my herniation to heal a little.
Anyway, this is long enough. The next appointment is December 2, so may not update until then. Please just continue to keep us in your prayers throughout this process.
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