Sunday, October 31, 2010

Back to the Gym

Well, after sitting around miserable because I can't run, I decided it was time to get back in the gym! I have been thinking about it for awhile, so I finally got motivated and joined. The doctor told me I was allowed to do eliptical, cycling and swimming after 3 weeks (which will be this Tuesday) but no running. Great thing is, the gym has all three!!! So, now to stay motivated and stay in the gym! The new adventure this week! Along with a new gym membership, I got a new hair color...was going a little fun with red/purple color to peak out underneath the blonde. She did it a little more blonde than I wanted it, but oh will change again in a few weeks!
     Also, this week, was sad because our dog of almost 14 years was put to sleep. Darla Mae had been with us since we were pre-teens. She had definitely lived a great life and was having a hard time getting around any longer. She was supposed to come stay with me the next few weeks, so Momma had taken Darla to the vet to get pain medicines for her to be able to make the trip to my house. They just knew there wasn't much more they could do. So, now she is just as happy and healthy in doggy heaven. It was a hard day Friday for all of us! But, I have sweet Brady and crazy Beau to keep me busy now.
     I tried out a new church today close to my house. I really enjoyed it. It is different than other churches I have visited, but I liked that about it. I am at the point now, I am just ready to find a church! AND today I turned the heat on in the house.....I am excited about cooler weather, but not looking forward to the cold! Next week is hopefully just a normal week, but I am really looking forward to going home to Dalton, FINALLY, to see all my long lost friends and meet with some college friends in Atlanta on Saturday to see Cirque du Soleil's OVO! Until next time!

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