Thursday, April 13, 2017


           Clinging. Latching on. Attached. Grasping. Adhered.

      My children have started over the past six months to be extremely clingy to me. I am guessing it is because I am home more now with them. But, I'm not going to lie, I kinda like it...that is unless they are whining, crying, screaming, yelling, or fussing while doing it - which they usually are. But then, there are those moments they cling to my side just because they want to hold me or touch me or be comforted. The moments they cling onto me on the couch as we watch "trains" or Mickey Mouse. Or when we are just outside and they need reassurance I am there and paying attention...they cling to my hand.

     Clinging can be such a sweet thing and it warms my heart that being near me, attached to me, is what brings security and comfort to my boys. You feel them relax a little and not be so tense. The crying/whining/fussing usually stops and there ends up being a sweet moment. The boys like for me to hold them as we go down the stairs first thing in the morning. Yes, it is quite an arm workout and balancing act since they have gotten heavy, but they cling to me as we walk down those stairs. Arms and legs wrapped around me on both sides. Knowing that as long as they do that they will be okay.

      So, yesterday I started thinking about this clinging. It was like a whole new perspective came over my eyes. We are told so many times in life to "cling to the cross" and verses throughout the Old Testament state to "cling to God." How often do I wrap my arms and legs around my Father and hold on for dear life? Not letting go for the life of me because I know He can carry me through? I associate this clinging from my boys with how much they love me and desire to be with me and trust me to comfort and care and take care of them. There is a trust there. Do we exude the same emotions towards God? Believing that Him holding us will walk us through it all and all we need to do is cling, attach, adhere, grasp for Him. Do we show Him we love Him by doing this?

       I don't believe we are supposed to only cling to God in bad or scary situations. Just like my boys cling to me when we are watching a show, we are to cling to God in the every day situations too. Just hanging out, clinging to our Savior. It is heartwarming He even wants that type of a relationship with us.

     So, I ask you, do you cling to your Savior? In uncomfortable times and comfortable ones? Did you know you have the option of having that relationship with Jesus? Where it isn't just turning your life over and following rules and trying to be good but ACTUALLY clinging to Him and having such a sweet connection with Him? It's so neat to see through my relationship with my children a new understanding of the relationship God/Jesus wants with me (and has always wanted but I didn't understand). Cling to Jesus.