Thursday, May 11, 2017

Living through Death

A guest blog:

I will never forget this day one year ago. I will never forget that sinking feeling when multiple phone calls went unanswered. I will never forget the moment my worst fear was confirmed. It was a literal gut wrenching, bring you to your knees, absolutely horrible feeling. It was his birthday. We were supposed to celebrate later that evening. The next few days brought so much pain. Decisions had to be made, papers signed, and legal matters handled. The hardest was the final goodbye. It was very difficult to let go. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It took all the literal physical and emotional strength I had to walk out of that room. That is a day I want to forget. Three days prior to his death, we had Judah's second birthday party. Had I known it would be the last time I ever spoke to or saw my dad again I would have cherished that moment longer. I would have talked more to him. I would have hugged him a little longer. I would have been less concerned with cleaning my house and more concerned with listening to what he had to say. He had to get home before it rained. He always said he couldn't see to drive in the rain. Losing a parent is hard, especially when it's unexpected. Life changed dramatically one year ago today. I changed dramatically. This has been one of the most tumultuous years of my life. There have been many good times this year but there have also been many dark times. It's part of grief. It's part of healing and dealing with emotions that can't be put into words. I started a new job. I made new friends this year. I deepened some friendships but, unfortunately, I've also lost some friendships. I've turned to God and I've also turned from God. I renewed my passion for missions. I've searched for happiness and anything that would take away the pain. My family has been through it this year in more ways than most people know. The people that have stood beside us through it all will never fully grasp the magnitude of my appreciation. These are the people that have been there from the moment they got the phone call to the present time. They have supported us through the tears, the anger, and the long, hard conversations. You see, grief doesn't immediately disappear after the funeral. It's a process that takes much longer and I believe everyone deals with it differently and in different stages. Some people deal with it faster than others and some don't deal with it at all. The funeral is still a state of shock and a disconnection with reality. It's making small talk with people you haven't seen in a while that come to pay their respects. People ask how you're doing and you give the standard "ok" reply. People tell you that you are being so strong like it's a complement. Being "strong" is only a temporary state that occurs in order to avoid dealing with emotions. Eventually everything will come at you like a freight train. It's actually the weeks and months after the funeral that are the hardest as reality sets in. It's adjusting to your new life without your loved one and also accepting the change that occurs within yourself. Most people avoid the subject with the grieved. They think bringing it up will cause negative emotions. Pretending it never happened is the worst anyone can do to help someone through grief. Ask someone weeks and months down the road how they are doing. Check up on them because I guarantee they are still hurting. Talking about it is part of the healing but the grieved doesn't want to feel like they are being Debbie Downers by mentioning the subject to friends and family. One of the most prominent lessons I've learned from my dad's death is to love and love hard, even if that means rejection and disappointment are in the future. In his own way, he loved us with everything he had. Loving others is a central Biblical theme and one Jesus speaks about often. It's often said but there is a blatant truth in "life is short." It's too short to hold grudges and too short to hate one another. People are the way they are for a reason. Get to know people and you will realize their life's events have shaped the core of who they are. People are hurting and people want to be loved. We were created to love and be loved. Some are more readily accepting than others but that doesn't mean give up on them. I believe loving someone consists of accepting them through the good times and the bad. It means that you are willing to accept them regardless of how screwed up they may or may not be. It means you will be there for them during the tough, vulnerable times of their life. I'm so thankful I've had people stick with me this year. While this has been a tough year I try to look forward and hang on to the memories of my dad. Even a year later there are times I start to pick up the phone to call him. There are so many things I want to tell him. He would love to know he was getting another grandchild. He loved his grandchildren so much. He would be so proud of Xander playing baseball and doing well in school. He would laugh at the endless adventures Judah finds. Harper's precious dancing and singing performances would make him smile big time. He would be proud of Carim making huge improvements in school. He also never hesitated to tell me how proud he was of Matt, Jenna, John, and myself. While there are many things I doubt in life, one constant truth remains that he loved me very much. Even at 32 I was still his baby girl. I miss him every day. I tell stories of him to my boys so they won't forget him. I tell them how much he loved them. Though they didn't have him long, he will always be their Grandad. I'm thankful for the 32 years I had with him. I'm thankful for everything he taught me. I'm thankful he loved Matt and I so much. I'm thankful he was my Dad. If my life wasn't changed by his death then I wasn't affected by his life. He was the best Dad I could have wanted. I will always love him. He is my Dad.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


           Clinging. Latching on. Attached. Grasping. Adhered.

      My children have started over the past six months to be extremely clingy to me. I am guessing it is because I am home more now with them. But, I'm not going to lie, I kinda like it...that is unless they are whining, crying, screaming, yelling, or fussing while doing it - which they usually are. But then, there are those moments they cling to my side just because they want to hold me or touch me or be comforted. The moments they cling onto me on the couch as we watch "trains" or Mickey Mouse. Or when we are just outside and they need reassurance I am there and paying attention...they cling to my hand.

     Clinging can be such a sweet thing and it warms my heart that being near me, attached to me, is what brings security and comfort to my boys. You feel them relax a little and not be so tense. The crying/whining/fussing usually stops and there ends up being a sweet moment. The boys like for me to hold them as we go down the stairs first thing in the morning. Yes, it is quite an arm workout and balancing act since they have gotten heavy, but they cling to me as we walk down those stairs. Arms and legs wrapped around me on both sides. Knowing that as long as they do that they will be okay.

      So, yesterday I started thinking about this clinging. It was like a whole new perspective came over my eyes. We are told so many times in life to "cling to the cross" and verses throughout the Old Testament state to "cling to God." How often do I wrap my arms and legs around my Father and hold on for dear life? Not letting go for the life of me because I know He can carry me through? I associate this clinging from my boys with how much they love me and desire to be with me and trust me to comfort and care and take care of them. There is a trust there. Do we exude the same emotions towards God? Believing that Him holding us will walk us through it all and all we need to do is cling, attach, adhere, grasp for Him. Do we show Him we love Him by doing this?

       I don't believe we are supposed to only cling to God in bad or scary situations. Just like my boys cling to me when we are watching a show, we are to cling to God in the every day situations too. Just hanging out, clinging to our Savior. It is heartwarming He even wants that type of a relationship with us.

     So, I ask you, do you cling to your Savior? In uncomfortable times and comfortable ones? Did you know you have the option of having that relationship with Jesus? Where it isn't just turning your life over and following rules and trying to be good but ACTUALLY clinging to Him and having such a sweet connection with Him? It's so neat to see through my relationship with my children a new understanding of the relationship God/Jesus wants with me (and has always wanted but I didn't understand). Cling to Jesus.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

My Mouth

        My mouth has been an integral part of my identity. It started when I was young. Everyone commented on my pretty smile and how it lit up a room. I found pride in that smile. It made me smile more, subconsciously, and I was glad to be able to share it with the world. There was always someone complimenting me on my smile or my straight teeth (after braces) or just how contagious my smile was. It brought smiles to other people, ease for conversations, and out of that mouth brought words of encouragement.

       Out of my mouth was laughter. Something that was frequently surrounding me. A lot of people consider it a loud laugh, but it was a laugh, none the less. My laugh and my mouth brought other people laughs and happy times.

       But see, there was more than just that. Because though I had such pride in my smile and my mouth, there was another side. A side that struggled. My mouth was perverse. My mouth was hurtful. My mouth was untamed.

       I can only imagine this started as a toddler as I screamed the word "NO!" to my parents or anyone passing by. It then grew into hurtful words of slandering my sister, that grew into slandering my parents, and slandering friends. My mouth voiced opinions of hurtful disdain when I didn't get my way. It screamed at my mother and father, "I hate you!" and other things that I am not proud of. It was/is quick to fire back when I was/am hurt. My mouth turned from a point of joy to a point of pure hurt.

       See, words are my defense. And that isn't a good thing. God speaks on the tongue and our mouth several times:

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Proverbs 15:1 - A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

James 1:26 - If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Matthew 12:33-37 - “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Titus 3:2 - To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.

Colossians 3:7-8 - In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

James 3:8 “But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”
1 Peter 3:10 “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.”

    So, I read on the tongue and the mouth and words more than anything else, probably. And it convicts me more than anything. And I freak out about my mouth more than anything. I pray and ask repentance over this probably more than anything else! It is my vice. 

    See, I am good at being quick with my tongue and not having it controlled. It is a practice that I try to control over and over - when my in-laws hurt me/us, when my step-children hurt my husband and myself, when my mother or father get on my last nerve (because even though we are far better than we were years ago it still happens), when someone hurts someone I love I am quick to respond - try going after my husband or my sons - I sadly will take you down. It is the thing that everyone can hold against me - though it is mainly because I want good in the end or a positive change. I know how to hurt. I know how to hurt you because you hurt me and words hurt deeper than anything physical to me.  BUT, how is this what God calls me to do? It isn't. 
   Therefore, I pray. I ask forgiveness. I read God's words on the mouth and tongue. And I struggle. I try to show love. I try to control my tongue and I try to let my smile be the thing that I can spread. Not hurtful words. 

    That being said, I ask you to look at yourself. Are you good at lifting people up? How about talking about people or what they have done to hurt you or others? Tearing people down? What are you known for? What are your conversations about? I can tell you all of these I am guilty of. But, I am called for something greater. Something I pray for God to give me the strength to strive above. And that is what I pray for all of you.