Monday, December 16, 2013

Transplant Day Take Two...

     The morning began around 6:30. I had the option of sleeping in later, since I was off today, but Alan actually had a test on his gallbladder and had to be up, so with my nerves, there was no going back to sleep. Alan left around 7:30 for his test, I made us call our voicemail once before he left to see if we had our message regarding our embryos and the unfreezing process. There was no message. So, he left, and I got busy. By 8:45, I had dusted the whole house, vacuumed, swept, straightened, cleaned carpets, started two loads of laundry, folded laundry, and finished packing for our upcoming trip. Girls gotta stay busy to keep her mind off things!
       Alan's test was to last two hours, so the fact our transfer was delayed an hour was actually a blessing. At 9:20, Alan text me to say part one was done and part two was starting, which lasted another stress level escalated....we needed to leave our house by 10:15 to get to the fertility clinic on time. Alan assured me we would be fine, but seeing as I had no message from our embryologist regarding our embryos yet, I had decided who knows if we needed to even leave to make it there. We were to get a voicemail by 9:30. 9:26 - no message. I was almost in tears. Called back at 9:29 and one new message. My stomach was in knots, my heart going 90 to nothing, and holding my breath. We had a successful unfreezing process. I started bawling and thanking God. He had provided His first miracles of the day.
     So, Alan made it home by 10:35. I was a stress case (for those of you who know me I am way anal about being places early and not late). I was ready and we hurriedly made it to the fertility clinic. I jumped out and Alan went to  park. They were calling our name as I ran in and by the time Alan got back to the surgery center, I had signed my consent form, taken my Valium (praying they actually worked this time since they doubled my dose) and changed into my beautiful hospital gown. 
       The embryologist came in and showed us the pictures of our babies -
Aren't they cute?? This is 6 day old unfrozen embryos...since usually the normal person doesn't get to see their babies at this time. 

So, after we saw our embryos, we met with our doctor, Dr. Eblen. I was so happy she was performing our transfer this time since I am so comfortable with her. I was definitely feeling relaxed at this point, which we were also happy about! 
     They wheeled me back with Alan in tow in his scrubs

      The transfer process wasn't as bad this time. I hardly felt a thing. She talked us through the whole process and Alan got to watch and see everything under ultrasound which he loved. We again received our first sonogram picture of their placement.
     After that, I had to lie for an hour with my feet elevated. Thankfully I didn't have to pee as badly this time! I actually fell asleep, I think. So we left for home and got much needed lunch on the way. Once we got home, I got in bed and Alan packed for our trip. I had to be on bed rest for the remainder of the day, which we got approval for it to be in the back of the car as we traveled to Georgia. I got a good 4 hours of sleeping in prior to the car ride and once we got to my parents, lying down was priority. 
   Overall, it was a lot less stressful than the first transfer. We left the next day for a family vacation and as long as I don't lift or exercise, I am good. 
     I have been cramping consistently, which is scaring me, but it hasn't changed in consistency even while in sleeping at night, so who knows. I'm trying to be calm and praying a ton for peace and for these babies to implant. If you could continue to pray with us. We know only our God can perform this miracle. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Three days and counting....

Three days away. THREE DAYS!! To say I am not anxious would be a lie. I am, my nerves are hitting me, especially today. Maybe it is the fact I am home by myself this week and have an excessive amount of time to think about it, or it is that reality is hitting as the injections increase. I don't know, but it is here. My prayers have been for God to take full control and for Him to take my anxiety away. And believe me, y'alls prayers are being felt because I have been mostly calm.
      This round, I am not nearly as stressed as I was last cycle. I remember being UBER stressed last time at this same point. Not knowing when we were going to implant, my schedule with work, conflicts at work, and other drama surrounding me made me a balled up mess....and that doesn't even include the crazyness of hormones!! I am a lot calmer and like I said, a lot less stressed. But, I am still anxious about these embryos unfreezing. I pray and pray and ask you to pray and pray.
     I had three injections today. One in my stomach (only 2 more days of this one!!!!) and two in my buttocks. They hurt.....but I am getting used to someone else giving them to me. As long as someone else will keep giving them to me, I will be good to go! They make your gluteal muscles really, really sore. So, I have been going around limping because I can't walk right. It got better throughout the day....but if you notice me limping or wincing when I sit down or stand up, that is why. These injections continue through the transfer and if I get pregnant, then 8 - 10 weeks more of them.....I just remind myself, it is for a great reason.
     My mood this week has been irritable, but not too bad. I think I have snapped a few times, but I have quickly snapped out of it. I haven't cried at all compared to last cycle, which is super!
     And, I want to let you all know God works miracles. As of Sunday, I was ready to have surgery Monday on my neck because it hurt so badly and was back into my shoulder and arm. I prayed for a miracle and Monday I had not a single symptom and it was even an OR day. Today has been good, as well. So, just praying it continues!
      Anyway, three days. We check before 9:30 AM for results on our embryos unfreezing, so please continue prayers for this. Then, if they are unfrozen, we will implant at 11 AM central (so noon for all my east coast folks). Prayers are much appreciated and I so appreciate all of you. We will keep you posted!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Faith in the One That Counts.....

    So, where to begin. Last week, the new PA who was to take over the surgery portion of my job began. She lasted one day in the OR and decided to quit. To say disappointed in how she did it, is an understatement, but it seems I will be staying in the OR for now. My doctor and I have figured out a schedule to last into the new year and all will be good, I hope! But, just another example of how when I look forward to something, it doesn't happen. Not for a pity party, but just why I am so apprehensive about being excited or even optimistic about IVF working.
      Also, last week, I got an epidural in my neck for all my issues. The wonderfulness has helped! Thankfully! I have stayed 80% pain-free since last Friday. Today in the OR was painful, but after some icing tonight, I seem to be doing well! This is a definite answer to prayers. My shoulder pain has almost completely gone away, but I seem to still have some numbness/tingling in my arm. Nothing I can't handle.
     So, back to the IVF stuff. I began injections of estrogen on Tuesdays and Saturdays. They are in the booty and not as bad as the progesterone from last cycle, but still not the most pleasant things in the world. I am continuing on my Lupron injections in the abdomen, which aren't bruising me so much this past week! Thankfully! So, today, I had my doctor's appointment for my blood levels and ulrasound. It went really well! My estrogen levels are  exactly where they want them and my lining is perfect, per the ultrasound. So, we are on target for our transfer next Friday.....omg, it is next Friday. That totally just hit me right this second as I typed it. Wow.
     So, today, I was given my instructions for the next few weeks. I start my third injection on Sunday. It is the progesterone injection which hurts like crazy. So, I will have my Lupron in my stomach and the progesterone in my buttocks every day, then estrogen on Tuesday and Saturdays. I am going to be honest. I am not looking forward to the buttocks injections every day. But, I will do what I need to do.
     We were given instructions for our implantation day, as well. We have to call by 9:30 in the morning to see if our embryos were able to unfreeze. I AM SO ANXIOUS about this part and not able to pray hard enough. I am trying my hardest to give this to God, but it is so hard. It is the deciding factor this time. I ask you to pray for these embryos and for me and my anxiety over this. My nurse practicioner is great and gave me encouragement about this today, but as I said above, I am so scared to be optimistic, because when I am things seem to go awry. So, I am focusing on today. And tomorrow, I will focus on tomorrow. And I will let God hold me and lead me to next Friday one day at a time.
      I'm guessing I am only going to get more emotional over the next week as my amount of hormones increase. So, please keep everyone around me in your prayers as they have to be patient with me and my antics. If you could please continuing praying for the embryos and the unfreezing process, my mindset and stress level, and for God to continue to surround this whole process and use it for His glory. It has gone by super fast this time. I am excited to see what the future holds. Until next time.....